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SAOLA Cinnamon Soap
SAOLA Soap combines coconut oil and natural glycerin with cinnamon essential oil, effectively removing dirt while providing a warm, comforting scent that helps reduce stress and fatigue.
The product does not dry out the skin and is suitable for all skin types.
Gọi đặt mua 0234 3522 722 (8:00 - 20:00)

- Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Pure Coconut Oil
- Natural Glycerin
- NaOH (used for saponification, no longer present in the final product)
The SAOLA essential oil collection includes eight types, each corresponding to a different soap variant: Ginger Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Lemongrass Essential Oil, Lemongrass & Melaleuca Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Cinnamon Essential Oil, Thanh Tra Pomelo Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil & Fresh Turmeric Extract.

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